Sojka Resort in Malatiny
Discount of up to 15% on accommodation.
Accommodation types in Sojka resort
Sojka resort in the picturesque surroundings of Liptov
Welcome to Sojka resort, which is located in Malatíny, in the beautiful environment of the diverse nature of Liptov. You will enjoy a lot of joy with us and create many unforgettable experiences.
Our resort is suitable for families with children, but also for couples and young people. Camping for caravans is part of the Sojka resort. The resort also has a wellness center with an indoor pool. In the area you will find an outdoor swimming pool, a multifunctional playground, children’s playgrounds, a restaurant and also a Retro bar. Enthusiasts of nature, sports, but also relaxation and entertainment will enjoy the surroundings of the resort.

The Vanfleteren family welcomes you to the heart of Liptov
„After spending your vacation in Malatín, you will know what Slovakia can offer you.”
It all started in 2003, when the Belgian Gerdi came to Liptov and immediately fell in love with this region at first sight. He said that he had to show this beauty to others, especially his compatriots from Belgium. It didn’t take long before he decided to build a small hotel in the quiet village of Malatíny. The small hotel gradually became a resort that offers various types of accommodation. Hotel, apartments, wooden houses, camping for caravans with all attractions just around the „corner“.
Čo o nás hovoria naši zákazníci
Jana Maliarová
15. 01. 2024
Bol to nádherný predĺžený víkend, kedy napadol zrovna prvý sneh. Obsluha bola vynikajúca, nápomocná, ochotná a vždy usmiata. Prostredie je nesmierne príjemné, wellness je tak akurát veľký a výborne vybavený, masáž ma dokonale uvoľnila (pani masérka má božské ruky). Izba Superior je krásna,priestranná, príjemne zariadená, škoda len tenších stien, človek miestami strácal pocit súkromia. No celkovo hodnotím výborne, ešte sa sem isto vrátim.
Matej Milec
04. 02. 2024
V tomto hoteli sme strávili 2 noci v termíne od 19. - 21.1. 2024. Z môjho pohľadu hotel ponúka skvelý pomer ceny a služieb a zanechal vo mne všeobecne dobrý dojem. Vo všeobecnosti by som vytkol asi len dve veci. Tá prvá je hotelové wellnes centrum, na ktorom už je vidieť, že by potrebovalo menšiu rekonštrukciu a väčší dozor personálu. Tá druhá vec ani tak nesúvisí s hotelom ale s "Retro barom".
Jana Wurstová
01. 03. 2024
Zaujímavo riešený rezort za prijateľnú cenu, rôzne typy ubytovania. Apartmány síce malinké, ale s dvoma spálňami a obývačkou + terasou. Jedlo bolo chutné, skromnejší výber, ale to nevadilo. Bazén a wellness ok, pekná záhrada s preliezkami. Trochu zmätočné info na recepcii o možnostiach, ktoré sme mali v rámci balíka. Za nevýhodu považujem lokalitu, ubytovanie na začiatku dediny, široko-ďaleko nič nie je, treba sa presúvať autom. Okolie nie je veľmi pekné.
Peter Hujsi
09. 03. 2024
Ďakujeme za príjemne strávené jarné prázdniny s ďeťmi a rodinou. V reštaurácii, na recepcii aj pri bazéne milí a ochotní personál a v neposlednom rade výborná kuchyňa. Užili sme si to :-)
Mária Žondová
03. 04. 2024
Do hotela Sojka sa vraciame už 20 rokov. Vždy milá, ústretová obsluha, dobré jedlo, priateľský pán majiteľ, ktorý svojou prácou doslova žije. Príjemná atmosfére naprieč rezortom.
Pavol Begáň
13. 02. 2024
Boli sme tu cez SP v Jasnej. Izby rodinné boli malé a ďaľšou nevýhodou bola ťažšia orientácia medzi jednotlivými budavami kedže wellnes a bazén mali samostatnú budovu a tak isto aj reštaurácia
Free time in Sojka resort
Sojka resort offers you a choice of many activities
For children
Our resort is baby friendly and we offer many fun attractions for them.
Sports in and outside the resort
Are you a fan of sports? In the resort and the surrounding area, you have various options for sports activities.
Surroundings of the Sojka resort
The Liptovský region offers many possibilities of where to go and experience something. Discover the beauties of Liptov.
Packages & Events

Wellness package
Escape from everyday stress and relax at Sojka resort in the heart of Liptov. A wellness stay is ideal for restoring energy in any season.
2 nights from 235€170€

Romantic package
Imagine a romantic stay at a hotel where perfect romance and relaxation awaits you with a full package of services.
2 nights from 235€170€